RSpace Blog

August 30, 2017

What’s new in 1.46

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As RSpace 1.46 is now wrapped up and ready for release, here’s a summary of the latest new features. This release we’ve concentrated on some new integrations and extending the API.

First off, there’s been quite an interest in using the RSpace-Slack integration to post messages about individual ELN entries. We’ve extended this functionality to enable posting of messages about multiple entries from the Workspace. So, for example, you can search for a set of documents, select all the search results and post a message about them to a collaborator in Slack.

There are now many Enterprise chat platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Hipchat, Cisco Spark, and Twilio, to name but a few, and they are becoming well-established tools now. We’ve now provided an integration with Microsoft Teams which replicates the Slack functionality about being able to post messages pertaining to RSpace documents.

We’d be really interested to hear from users on new use cases for possible ways to extend these integrations – there are many possibilities, such as sending automated notifications from RSpace in response to events, or being able to invoke RSpace API calls from ‘Slash App’ in Slack.

Another integration we’ve added this release is to the Egnyte online secure file-storage system. If you or your company uses Egnyte, you can now seamlessly link to files in Egnyte from a file-chooser widget in RSpace.

In 1.46 there are some important bugfixes related to importing RSpace archives. This seems a good chance to highlight some advantages of the RSpace XML export/import mechanism:

  • You can try RSpace for free on our Community site, and if your institution or company then buys an Enterprise license, all your data can easily be transferred to the new server. So you can use RSpace Community in confidence that your data can be easily  transferred later.
  • Similarly, if you move to another institution, you can export from your RSpace instance and import into Community.
  • You can use this mechanism for personal or institutional backups.

Finally, there is a new /activity endpoint in the RSpace API which provides access to the same historical data on RSpace usage as provided by the audit trail.

Thanks for reading this and your continued support and interest in RSpace.

Richard Adams

RSpace is an open-source platform that orchestrates research workflows into FAIR data management ecosystems: request a demo or contact us to learn more.

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