RSpace Inventory

A next-gen sample and inventory system

Ongoing & open development

Inventory is available to Team and Enterprise customers at no extra cost. Development is ongoing and is directed by user feedback: you can view our recently implemented features, or contact us with feedback and questions.

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A user-informed development process ensures the system has flexible features that support your existing workflows, no matter what research area you are in.

✓ Easily configurable sample templates with adjustable fields and terminology, to support the sample types you need

✓ List, grid, and visual containers can be organised into hierarchies that best reflect your physical inventory

✓ A high level of flexibility, enabling you to customise the system to best suit your particular research needs

✓ Extensive user engagement and feedback sessions ensure our process is aligned with users’ actual needs

✓ Toggleable views based on what information you need, such as navigating a nested hierarchy, skimming item metadata, or sorting items by a specific property

✓ A frictionless import flow so you can get started in no time, and focus on what needs to get done


Inventory fully integrates with RSpace ELN, enabling you to easily link your samples and experiments together for enhanced traceability.

✓ Access and manage sample data from within the ELN, such as directly decrementing sample volumes as they are used up for experiments to maintain an accurate record

✓ Inventory and Lists of Materials are kept in sync, to support dynamic labs that always need the most up-to-date location, quantity and data on their the items they store

✓ Global IDs of Inventory items, whether RRIDs, IGSNs or RSpace IDs, are accessible from creation in Inventory to archival and publishing of your work in the ELN, to ensure full traceability of use

✓ Improve reproducibility by including reliable data about samples used in the experimental record in RSpace ELN through Lists of Materials

✓ Directly deposit research data and associated sample data from RSpace into Figshare and Dataverse, leveraging our existing integrations that facilitate research workflows and FAIR data

Intuitive & Visual

A focus on a navigable interface and visual grid containers allows you to easily find what you need, when you need it.

✓ A next-gen Inventory experience with a modern interface that presents relevant contextual information without visual overwhelm

✓ A mobile-first design approach enables you to use Inventory on the go, with an interface adapted for mobile

✓ Clickable location breadcrumbs that make navigation and finding items easy, and parent sample links that make relationships between items explicit

✓A powerful search-based system with customisable columns ensures everything can be traced

✓ At-a-glance info panels and visual containers help to easily identify items and inspect their properties

See the system in action!

5-minute introduction:

Full overview tour of the system's capabilities:

Supporting Reproducibility in a Connected Electronic Lab Notebook webinar:

Sign up for a test Inventory account

A test server is available for prospective customers and Community users for checking out Inventory's features.

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