RSpace Blog

February 8, 2017

The RSpace electronic lab notebook now supports inclusion of ORCID IDs with deposits to Figshare and Dataverse


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We are pleased to announce that from February 8 it’s possible to add your ORCID ID to your RSpace profile, and include your ORCID ID with deposits of data into the Figshare and Dataverse repositories.  The integration is described in the following short video.

Add ORCID ID to your RSpace profile
Add ORCID ID to your RSpace profile

Enabling capture of lab data electronically in the RSpace ELN, and providing a simple deposit interface to Dataverse and Figshare, facilitates two workflows emerging as critical in the new digital research environment.

ORCID ID added to Figshare deposit
ORCID ID added to Figshare deposit

The first is the seamless transfer of active research data into a data repository or archive for public access and long term preservation.

The second is the deposit of datasets related to research into a data repository for association with the publication reporting on the results of the research.

The RSpace – Figshare and the RSpace – Datashare integrations support both workflows, demonstrating our commitment to a connected approach to dealing with research data, and the integration of  RSpace with other tools and systems used by researchers and the emerging research data infrastructure being adopted by universities and publishers.  The automatic association of the depositor’s ORCID ID with the dataset exported from RSpace into Figshare or Dataverse provides further support for linking researchers and their research output, as encouraged by leading funders, research institutions and publishers.

Richard Adams

RSpace is an open-source platform that orchestrates research workflows into FAIR data management ecosystems: request a demo or contact us to learn more.

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