RSpace Blog

October 16, 2019

RSpace 1.63 preview

Product Updates

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We are looking forward to releasing 1.63 this week; this release includes incremental improvements to Chemistry support, the API and administrative pages.

Drag-and-drop chemical structure files.

Up till now chemists have had to import structure  files one-by-one via the MarvinJS plugin ‘Import’ feature, which is quite tedious if you have many files. From 1.63, if you have enabled the Chemistry App, you can just drag-and-drop as many files as you like into the text editor. They will be rendered as chemistry structure diagrams, just as if you had imported using the MarvinJS plugin.

In-browser editing of Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint files using OfficeOnline

Microsoft have now successively concluded verification and testing of our Office 365 integration. We will initially be enabling this on our free Community site and making further announcements about this on our website, before making it available to any Enterprise customers who want it.

Improvements for admin users

We’ve made it easier for admin users to create a group of existing users. We’ve replaced the drop-down list of all users with a search bar and a ‘buffer’ area where you can see exactly what your group will look like before you create it.

You can also see the number for users in a group with enabled /disabled accounts now in the group listing page

Default preferences have changed

We’ve altered the default preferences so that now you will receive all  notifications by default – including notifications about shared documents. Previously, you only received some notifications by default. We’ve changed this in response to feedback that people didn’t know when items were shared with them. You can of course still configure your personal message preferences in MyRSpace->My Profile section.

New API for navigating the folder tree

In response to several requests there will be new API methods, /folders/tree and /folders/tree/{id} that list contents of the Home folder, or any specified folder, respectively. This enables programmatic navigation of the folder tree.

That’s it for now, thanks for reading and please keep the suggestions coming in!

Richard Adams

RSpace is an open-source platform that orchestrates research workflows into FAIR data management ecosystems: request a demo or contact us to learn more.

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