RSpace Blog

January 7, 2022

Partnering with Clustermarket – Technical integration (Coming early 2022)


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The modern-day R&D laboratory should be a place of creativity and collaboration where experts from different fields meet to share ideas, methods and successes. Yet highly trained scientists are often pulled away from their research to carry out manual administration tasks, work with paper-based notebooks and attend tedious reporting meetings. Not only does this cause frustration for the scientist but it also decreases the operational capacity of the laboratory, introducing time and cost inefficiencies and limiting the reproducibility of the research.

For this reason, we have partnered with Clustermarket to provide our users access to a premium equipment management system and offer barrier-free movement between RSpace and Clustermarket. Experiment information in the ELN  will  include equipment usage and equipment information from the Clustermarket lab resource scheduler.

If you do not have an account with Clustermarket yet, get your free test account and explore their equipment management system  at

About Clustermarket

Clustermarket is the world’s leading equipment management system for scientific research laboratories. Clustermarket is bringing lab management into the digital age by providing lab managers and scientists with an intuitive system for instrument booking and user management, reporting and analysis, maintenance and service management, lab communication and much more.

Clustermarket supports more than 80,000 researchers at more than 8,000 labs worldwide (2021).

Rory Macneil

RSpace is an open-source platform that orchestrates research workflows into FAIR data management ecosystems: request a demo or contact us to learn more.

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