RSpace Blog

March 21, 2016

Looking forward to 1.34 release

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Here in the RSpace development team we’re getting things ready for the next release of RSpace, due out in the first week of April. We’ve been getting a lot of requests  to make RSpace more customizable, both at a system-wide level, and for individual users too. So, in the next release, you’ll be able to switch various RSpace features on or off from the ‘Apps’ tab, according to what you use. So if you never use the Chemical editor, for example, you’ll be able to deactivate it and reduce clutter in the text-editor menu bar.

We also realise that our user interface  could do with a makeover. So, starting from 1.34, and over the next few releases, we’ll be making incremental improvements to the styling and layout of pages – we’d certainly welcome any feedback and comments you have on these changes.

We’ve also made some enhancements to messaging. You’ll be able now to send messages to yourself – useful for reminders or todos – and also include links and basic HTML formatting in the message content.

We always enjoy finding out how people are using RSpace. We were  especially interested recently  to hear how it’s being used in undergraduate practical assignments to record student projects and make it easier for course leaders to review and monitor progress. We’d be very happy to receive feature requests for how we can make RSpace work even better in this scenario. Actually, most of our new features do have their origins in requests from users, whether you’re using the free Community version or an on-site Enterprise deployment. So, if you’d like to see some improvement or new feature, just get in touch with us!

Finally, thanks for using RSpace. If you’ve not tried it yet, you can always use it for free, without any obligation, for as long as you like.

Richard Adams

RSpace is an open-source platform that orchestrates research workflows into FAIR data management ecosystems: request a demo or contact us to learn more.

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