RSpace Blog

June 8, 2020

Looking for testers for early version of our inventory module!


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We are hard at work on a major new project: the addition of a full inventory/sample management module to RSpace.

In the next months, we will be performing user testing, which will consist of 60 minute interactive one-on-one sessions over the web, to better understand how users navigate the interface and the intuitiveness of the system. As a result, we are looking for researchers to participate and provide us with their feedback regarding the system we’re developing.

The only requirement is an interest and some experience with sample management in the lab. If you are interested in taking part, please email

Vaida Plankytė

RSpace is an open-source platform that orchestrates research workflows into FAIR data management ecosystems: request a demo or contact us to learn more.

June 26, 2024

Research Space Embraces Open-Source to Empower FAIR Data Workflows

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RSpace Opens its Research Data Management Platform to the Community

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June 6, 2024

RSpace Solutions: Empowering Research Organizations with FAIR Data Workflows

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In light of the upcoming open-source transition, we reflect on Research Space's services around RSpace tailored to enable research organisations as well as research cloud and research commons providers to implement, adopt, and maintain a secure, robust, and future-proof digital research data management environment.

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April 19, 2024

Transitioning RSpace to Open-Source: Building a Community for a Journey Towards More Open Science and FAIR Data

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We are looking forward to build an impactful open-source community around RSpace to increase interoperability between digital research solutions and facilitate the adoption of FAIR data workflows.

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April 19, 2024

Research Space Announces Transition of RSpace to Open Source


We are excited to announce that RSpace will be transitioning to open-source in Q2 2024!

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